Ko'pincha unga tegishli bo'lgan bu maqomni yanada kuchaytiradigan narsa uning qobiliyatidir to'g'ri vaqtda zanjir, bu unga yengilmaslik aurasini beradi. Fedor yoki Silvadan farqli o'laroq, gullaganidan keyin katta yo'qotishlarga duchor bo'lgan.
Irony punctuation is mainly utilized to indicate that a sentence must be understood at a second degree. A bracketed exclamation place or problem mark in addition to scare quotes are also often utilized to specific irony or sarcasm.
Precise creating about language typically uses italics to the term itself and single quotation marks for the gloss, with the two not separated by a comma or other punctuation,[21] and with strictly reasonable quotation around the gloss – extraneous terminal punctuation outside the house the quotation marks – even in North American publications, which might normally like them inside of:[22]
Но точно можно сказать одно: Джордж Сент-Пьер всегда будет в списке величайших. В этой статье мы расскажем вам о том, как простой канадский мальчик стал двойным чемпионом сильнейшей лиги мира.
Чтобы оплатить обучение в школе, он полгода работал мусорщиком.
Предложение было слишком хорошим, чтобы отказаться. Жорж бросил колледж, полностью посвятил себя тренировкам и... с треском проиграл Хьюзу. Это был серьезный удар по самолюбию.
Помимо съемок в “Капитане Америка”, Жорж принимал участие в таких кинокартинах как “Смертоносный Воин” (Шаман), “Кикбоксер” (Кави), “Никогда не сдавайся” (Жорж) и “Убийство Салазара” (Синклер).
Нажимая «Отправить», я соглашаюсь с условиями обработки персональных данных.
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1993 yilda Jorj UFC one va Roys Greysining jangini va turnirda g'alaba qozonishini tomosha qildi. Bu voqea o'sha kundan boshlab yosh Jorj hayotidagi hal qiluvchi burilish nuqtasidir MMAga qo'ying.
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The late Middle Ages observed the addition of the virgula suspensiva (slash or slash using a midpoint dot) which was generally made use of in conjunction with the punctus for differing types of pauses.
Jerome and his colleagues, who manufactured a translation of your Bible into Latin, the Vulgate (c. AD 400), employed a structure system determined by founded methods for educating the speeches of Demosthenes and Cicero. Below his format for every cola stpierre mn et commata each and every feeling-unit was indented and offered its personal line. This structure was only employed for biblical manuscripts in the course of the 5th–9th hundreds of years but was abandoned in favor of punctuation.